Windows 10 Safe Mode – How To Open And Use It? So, let’s start with:

What Is Safe Mode?

A lot of Operating Systems provides a feature in which you can open your system in diagnostic mode when your computer is in some kind of problem. This feature is only referred by the limited amount of operating system and you can’t access this in all available OS’s. Mainly this feature widely used for repairing our computer and the best part is you can easily open and able to use this feature without making any trouble. World famous Operating Systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, Google Android and Linux distributions such as Ubuntu are the examples where you can find this feature but in this article, I’m only gonna teach you about the windows safe mode boot. So, just stick with this article and you’ll gonna learn everything about your windows same mode. Windows Safe Mode – Every OS’s safe mode is different and that’s why your window’s safe mode is also a little bit different too. And in your windows safe mode, it will only give you the access to use your computer by using main necessary drivers and system’s services. So, when you boot your windows in safe mode, it’s gonna start with some basic drivers and ignore all the startup features like antivirus or background processes who can responsible for some sort of crash. Here’s the list of drivers what you can access to:

Mouse Monitor Keyboard Mass Storage Base Video

And the rule is you can’t use any drivers other than these and because of that, if your computer is do suffering from some kind of BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error then by the help of this boot feature you can normally open your computer in diagnosis mode and easily fix your Operating system.

How To Open Safe Mode?

There are a lot of different ways to open this feature on your computer’s screen but in this article, I’m only gonna highlight two most commonly used methods to open this safe mode. The first option is to open this feature by using Advance Boot Options and the second option is to open this feature by applying some startup setting in our windows boot configuration.

Method#1 – Open By Advanced Boot Options

In this method, we are gonna open this safe mode by using the Advanced Boot Option, and those who don’t know, the Advanced Boot Options menu lets you open your Windows troubleshooting page where you can choose different options according to your problem. So, to open this advanced options you’ll need to disconnect all external storage devices connected to your PC and after that, turn your computer completely off. After that starts your computer normally and when you see your first boot screen, you’ll just need to press an F8 key again and again until you get to the Advanced Boot Option. If you’re using Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10 then you can you’ll need press shift +F8 key again and again to start this option for those people who having latest UEFI bios in there computer and using Windows 10/8 then you can’t find this feature helpful to you but that doesn’t mean you can use this safe mode in your windows, you’ll just have to check out this link to know about » Windows 10 Safe Mode – How To Open And Use It? If your computer has more than one operating system, then you can use your keyboard’s arrow keys to highlight the operating system which you’ve wanna to start in safe mode, and then press F8 key continuously again and again. If you found your windows logo appears even after pressing F8 key then it’s possible you did something and need to restart your computer and try again the whole process. When you successfully open your window’s advanced boot option you will see your computer screen is look like the picture given below and then you have three different safe mode option to choose to make your computer boot into that mode.

Which Safe Mode option should I choose? There are three options to choose what you can find in your advanced boot options and by using these options you can open your computer’s safe mode into three different mods as you can see as all listed down below: Safe Mode –This is the most famous one in all these three modes and normally everyone uses this mode when they are troubleshooting their PC’s, it’s only because in this mode you can freely use your windows just like normal and you can see only extra drivers is disabled while working in this mode. Safe Mode With Networking – In this mode, you feel just like you are using normal safe mode but the benefit what you can take in this mode is you can access the internet and just because of that you can update and download drivers or maybe some program to make your system troubleshooting a lot easier. Safe Mode With Command Prompt – In this mode, you can only have access to use CMD. This Safe Mode allows you to have access to the command line (MS-DOS prompt).

Method#2 – Open By System Configuration Options

By this method, you can open safe mode in any windows computer, whatever you are using Windows 7 or maybe Windows 10. Using this method is a lot easier than the previous method but a thing which I hate most about this method is you can’t use this method if your windows isn’t in running condition. So, to open your Windows Safe Mode by System’s Boot Configuration option you’ll need to follow all the steps listed down below: Press your “Windows + R” key at the same time to open run commander and when its get open you’ll have to type “msconfig” without quotes in the backfield and press enter or click “OK”. After that, you will able to see your Window’s System Configuration pop-up and in that configuration pop-up, you’ll need to click on the boot tab from the top above selection menu to get into the boot setting of your windows. Now in the boot options, you’ll have to tick the “Safe Mode” checkbox and click on “OK” to apply it. After that, you can easily access into your safe mode by giving your computer a normal restart.

EXTRA_KNOWLEDGABLE_STUFF: As you can see there are lot of stuff what you try while working in safe mode but there are lot of circumstances where this feature can’t feel beneficial for us, and the thing what I’m talking about is, when our windows got corrupted so bad and it can’t be able to boot itself or maybe it forgot the path of system files that are required to starts your Operating system, and in that case you can’t be able to open this safe mode’s boot loader and it may possible your computer do restart again and again during the booting process. If you are suffering from that kind of windows startup problem then you can use your windows another great useful tool called startup repair, you can also check out the article about startup by clicking here »»Startup Repair – What It Is And How To Use It?

How To Use Safe Mode?

There are a lot of other different kinds of things what can do in this mode to make your computer fixing so handy. Here is list below to let know about what you can do while using this safe mode. Remove Malware or Virus – It’s possible that sometimes your windows file gets automatically corrupted by some malware or maybe virus and making some kind of problem on your computer, if that’s the case with you than by using this safe mode feature you easily remove any virus or maybe malware by just installing some antivirus or security software in your computer. Update System’s Drivers – By using this feature you can install, update or even roll back your computer’s drivers and you can fix your drivers related issue within a couple of minutes. A lot of issues happens when we update our drivers and it isn’t compatible with the operating system what we’re using. Uninstall Software – Believe it or not, but sometimes just because of some incompatible software your computer can get some errors like BSOD or appcrash errors and by using this feature you can uninstall that software from the Control Panel and make your computer fixed. System Repair/Reset – If you did mess up your system so bad, that a simple repair can’t fix your computer then you can also use your Windows “System Restore” or “System Reset” in order to turn your PC’s setting at some previous or default stage and make things back to normal.

How To Get Out Of Safe Mode? When you’re done with your safe mode and wanted to open your windows in normal mode, then you can quickly boot your windows normally by just restarting your computer and if having some trouble to open your windows normally then can check out this link where I discussed about »Computer Starts Only in Safe Mode Problem Solution.
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